How to Optimize Images in WordPress for Site Speed

How to compress images in WordPress and enable lazy loading step by step. There are multiple image compression options, including automating image compression in WordPress by autoptimizing gzip compression, or downloading optimized images from Pagespeed Insights. Lazy loading is our preferred method for reducing the loading time for the first contentful print.

Recording Image Loading Speed Before Optimization

Record and screenshot the current site performance in the following tools:

Optimizations are usually grouped into a few categories:

  • Resizing and optimizing images
  • Compression
  • Caching
  • Minification
  • Asynchronous / deferred loading

Optimizing Images

Our first step with images is to make sure they’re properly sized for how they’re being served (often clients will serve ultra-high-res images at small sizes). This is usually the biggest factor in site load time.


Optimizing image size in WordPress with bulk optimize feature

  • Scan for images to be optimized and run the optimizer. This will probably take some time but other work can be completed while it runs.
  • After it’s complete, run PageSpeed again and download the optimized resources at the bottom of the report
  • Work through the list of images reported
      • Copy the filename from the pagespeed report
      • Search for the filename in Wordpress -> Media -> Library
      • Click into the image

    Replacing image in WordPress with image optimized for site speed

      • (1) Download a backup of the original image
      • (2) Upload the optimized version you downloaded from the PageSpeed report

Compression and Caching


    • Install Hummingbird
    • Navigate to the Hummingbird plugin in the Wordpress admin interface

Optimizing site speed in WordPress with caching through Hummingbird

  • Run the performance test
  • Follow the instructions in the Caching and Gzip Compression sections to enable these features


  • Install Autoptimize
  • Navigate to Settings -> Autoptimize
  • Enable HTML, CSS, and JS optimization on the main tab and apply changes
  • Double check the website to ensure nothing is visually or functionally broken

Asynchronous / Deferred Loading

    • This step is the most likely to screw up the site, so be prepared to visually inspect the site and roll-back changes if necessary
    • Install Async JS
    • Navigate to Settings -> Async Javascript
    • Under Quick Options, select “Apply Defer (jQuery excluded). This seems to be the most consistently effective configuration that tends to not destroy sites.

Optimizing site speed in WordPress by clicking Apply Defer (jQuery excluded)

  • Visually and functionally inspect the site to ensure this hasn’t broken anything, be thorough. You’ll want to pay close attention to forms, galleries, sliders, video displays, etc.

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